Even though this blog is a journal of my baking career, it doesnt mean I can ONLY write about baking! Right?
So I will now start writing about my observations on life.
Which includes everything from the attractive men I see to the new, and amazing vase I just got for my apartment.
First, the attractive men. Ive been noticing a trend lately. Every time I spot a guy who's even remotely attractive...or not even attractive at all, he's taken. Story of my life: Me thinking, "Ooo look, incoming attractive man." Said attractive man immediately walks over into the waiting arms of some, unknown woman. Me thinking again, "Why??"
My conclusion? It must be summer again. Love is in the air.
So what about me and other currently single women like me? It got me thinking as I sat on a park bench and watched the couples of every shape and size stroll blissfully by...
Well, it got me thinking, but I still have no answer.
I guess life goes on...
Ok, since I still have had no brilliant answer to the above question, Ill move on to beforementioned vase...or "vahhhh-z" for those of you who prefer to say it that way.
Vase: clear glass, 1 1/2 feet tall.....breathtakingly beautiful...and all mine. For now anyways. And unless I manage to break it. That would be just my luck.
It is just the thing to bring some life to my tiny, bare, German apartment. Currently, it's empty though.
Note to self: pick flowers.
Umm...yeah, I think that's about the end of my random observations on life. For now.
Tune in again if you happen to find my ramblings on about nothing...well, not nothing because attractive men are a very important aspect of life...
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